THE CHURCH The Holy See Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle Diocesan Youth Ministry Team Diocesan Pilgrimage to LourdesWebsite Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD) CHURCH NEWS Northern Cross Website Independent Catholic News Catholic Herald The Catholic Universe SCHOOLS St Benet Biscop Secondary School LIVE STREAMING OF MASS St Mary Cathedral Newcastle Mass is celebrated on Sunday at 11.30am and 12noon Monday to Saturday St Mary's Hexham Mass will be celebrated at 10.00am on Sunday Our Lady of Lourdes New Southgate Mass will be celebrated daily at 10.00am (Vigil Mass Saturday 6.30pm) MCN Media TV Church Service TV SPIRITUALITY/CATECHETICAL Rosary for Vocations Sunday Pray as you go Word On Fire Wednesday Word Children’s Liturgy, Colouring Pages and Worksheets for Sunday Mass Daily Readings at Mass/Liturgy of the hour